Instead of teaching Balletone yesterday, I got to take a class from Kathleen Riley. Kathleen was the Balletone Master Trainer for the Balletone Instructor Training workshop that I took in 2006. She no longer teaches the instructor workshops, but offers several Balletone classes at Benefitness located outside of Boston, MA.
I try to take Kathleen’s Balletone class whenever we take our son back to college in Cambridge, MA. It’s so much fun to take a class for a change! As an instructor I sometimes feel like I get stuck in a rut and offer the same sequences over and over in class.
I want to keep my students interested in class by keeping them challenged. Kathleen’s class has given me some new ideas and new material. Her choreography is always interesting and she pulls in movement that I would never think of. The steps are tough, but fun.
I can’t wait to teach Balletone tonight so that I can share some new choreography!
Be prepared, students!